Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Menifee Memorial Day Ceremony

 I see that this year the Memorial day service will not be at the Veterans Memorial but in Central Park.

I was under the impression that is why we had the Memorial area built, for memorials.

What is so special about Central park?

Friday, March 12, 2010

another thought- TV ads

Watching TV these days is the pits.   I dont know why the political ads have to start so far in advance of an election -  and the NEGATIVE ads are the worst.   It is bad enough we have to watch the Gecko 50 times a day or the fight between the TV companies - but I think that the lowest of all is the negative political ads.   
I think that the money spent on these ads must be more than I make in a year - and there are so many other places to use that money instead of smearing someone because they are running against you.
I tend to vote for the non negative ad person just out of spite. 
The Verizon/AT&T ads are good examples of negative ads - but unfortunately - I dont have a choice to use another company as they do not service my area.   
Politicians are - in my opinion - a crooked lot of people - so I guess I should not be shocked that they are not the nicest ads.   Consider the source.
Though - I do think that we would have lower car insurance if the companies spent less money on their TV ads and gave it back to us in savings.     
First amendment rights are great - if you are not on the receiving end of them.    When you come right down to it -  our rights are really not that great -  but that is a good thought for another time.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

thinking Grandma

Day 2 of this bogging. No-one has viewed this bog - but it is like writing in a journal so I will keep trying.

Today my thought is about health care. All the nit wits in Washington are tossing around meaningless ideas when all they had to do was to ask some of us what we really wanted.
My friend & I went to breakfast today and her problem is that the company that they retired from was sold. Guess what - they did not allow the retirees to maintain their health benefits under the new management. Yup - now she has to pay $260 a month for supplemental plus her $ to medicare. NOW why is that not in the plan our illustrious government is fighting over?? All they had to do was ask us.
It seems you are better off health care wise - if you are destitute or illegal. Then you can be covered.
Enough of that tho - it is like beating a dead horse. Must move on.
I was not surprised to see a Kennedy still in Washington making waves and being heard. He is right about the media tho. The media picks and chooses what they are going to print - and we the public only hear their side of the story. This is not something new is it - been going on for ages. Good to see someone stand up and confront them now and again tho. Me I get the Sunday paper for the coupons - and coupons are a topic for another day. Thought enough for today. Tomorrow is another thought.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What do I think

I am setting this blog up to prove that age has nothing to do with how I feel about most things. Being a grandmother does not make you a blithering idiot who is too old to cut the mustard. Actually being a grandmother makes me feel younger. I met someone today who did not know who Sponge Bob is - I know - as I have had to sit through many of those shows. Now when it comes the the music groups - I am not as knowledgeable - and I am sure glad there is spell check on this blog - but I can hold my own in most instances.
One of my grandson's had autism - thus I am very versed in that condition, and feel frustration that I cannot help him more. I give moral support to my daughter and research the web for new information to share with her. I used to take him to swimming classes and to gymnastics, but he feels he is too old for that now. More on him at a later time.
Tomorrow I am in conflict as 2 grandsons have games at the same time. How do you spread yourself that thin? They are in different cities - but you do not want to play favorites. The youngest one is going to win out - not for favoritism but because of the need of his mother. This grandson has 2 sisters younger than himself and a father who will be working during this game - thus my daughter needs gramma's help with the other 2 - plus she talked me into bringing dinner. Boy they can really get me to volunteer for things. This does not have anything to do with my age or mental weakness - as I have always been glad to help out my daughters.
One thought I have is that it is really nice to be needed. Being a widow and living alone - with my dog - it is a nice feeling that I still have enough smarts to be asked favors of. They even STILL call and ask my advice on things - not that they follow it - but they still ask and discuss things with me.
This being my first time blogging I do not really know how much to share. I did go bowling today - I was awful. Just could not do anything right. We did end up splitting 2 points each - no thanks to me. It was a fun team to bowl so in all it was a great time.
I will blog more tomorrow.